Monday, May 15, 2006

Bribery Wordsmith Challenge #1: Can I get a sentence?

For those of you interested in a challenge, I'd like to hear you come up with a single-sentence explanation of why people should Dot and what Dotting can be used for (short haiku is acceptable if you're looking for a true challenge). If I like your entry, I may buy you a beer. If I really like your entry, you could get a pitcher. You must be a registered Blue.Us user to participate/win and you're going to have to come down to Pioneer Square to get your drink. Dare to dream. Put on your thinking cap and look forward to the possible dulling of your mental faculties via alcoholic libation. I'm not just trying to get your marketing ideas. This is an attempt to understand exactly what people think is good/bad about Dotting and how we can make it better. I want to hear everyone's unadulterated opinions of how Dotting should be described to a broader audience.


Blogger Adam Phillabaum said...

You should dot because:
* Its less annoying than forwarding emails to your friends.
* You like sharing links with your friends.
* You use multiple computers and you want to have your bookmark library online.
* You like being 'internet hip,' and using all the Web 2.0 sites.
* Because, isn't.

5/17/06, 7:50 PM  

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