Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spammers Be Gone!

The fight against spam on Faves is never ending. As we've scaled back on full time staff, it has been increasingly hard to keep up with users who are trying use Faves purely for SEO (despite the fact that our links are all no-follow!), spam, or distribute or adult content.

This has been particularly harsh on our Buzz system - showing the most popular bookmarks for literally thousands of tags (keywords).

This week we took the drastic step to hand-pick the users who's content will be allowed to be posted to our front page and popular Buzz pages like our Video page.

The results have been remarkable. What used to be a wasteland of spam (or worse, porn), now actually has some interesting content on it again.

We'll be continuing to refine this, but hope that the recommendations you see from Faves will be much higher quality.

If you'd like your account to be considered to be included in our recommendation service, follow our Twitter account and send us a link to your faves user page for review.


Blogger Brad Martin said...

Are you checking the accounts whose friend requests are 'blocked'? Most spam "friend" requests are easily detected. If several users (or a 'trusty' user) block an account, it would be cool to have those accounts suspended automatically & data elements related to those accounts made inactive pending review or appeal. - brad

5/28/09, 6:55 AM  

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